Workers Compensation

Mental Conditions Qualify

While the majority of claims filed will be related to physical injuries, some mental conditions can be covered by workers’ compensation as well.

Claims examiners often request a psychological examination to better understand the work-related event and the resulting psychological disorder. Vantis can assist you in getting your workers’ comp claim approved by providing this examination. But before you take further action with your claim, you need to understand which mental conditions qualify first.

Conditions That Qualify

As with all workers’ compensation claims, the mental condition must be caused as a result of the employer’s negligence and not an underlying condition the employee already developed. For most successful workers’ compensation claims, the mental condition should be caused as a result of abnormal or inhumane work conditions. The qualifying mental conditions include:

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder caused by job conditions or expectations
  • Mental conditions developed because of physical injuries suffered at work
  • Stress that results in permanent damage and harm
  • Stress due to being overworked to the point of exhaustion

When it comes to filing workers’ compensation claims for mental conditions, the process can be significantly more difficult. Rather than simply examining the physical injury and investigating the underlying act that caused it, the employee must prove that the mental condition occurred as a result of a work-related event.

Work Related Stress

The burden of proof is on the employee, and while an experienced psychiatrist can help determine the cause of the mental condition, the lack of physical proof makes successfully establishing a claim difficult. If a workplace exposes an employee to excessive levels of stress that fall outside the scope of industry-accepted stress levels, they may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation.

Mental Conditions as a Result of Physical Injury

The easiest way to prove a mental condition caused by negligence at work is when it’s accompanied by a physical injury. These claims are easy to identify and have the most success in recovering wages.
Individuals who suffer mental injuries due to the severity of their physical ailments may also be eligible. If the psychiatrist deems the mental condition so severe that it interferes with the employee’s ability to return to work or perform the duties they’re assigned, the employee may be entitled to long-term benefits. 

Long-Term Treatment

If the condition is extreme, it is possible that workers’ compensation will help cover a long-term disability claim so the employee can recover fully rather than rushing back into the same stressful situation that sparked the problem in the first place. For these individuals, ongoing treatment with an experienced psychiatrist will help reduce the overall recovery time and may help them return to work more quickly. For those suffering from PTSD, depression, or other related condition, the treatment may continue for years before the employee can adequately cope with the same triggers.

Legal Benefits

From a legal perspective, workers compensation psychiatry offers verification and legitimacy to these claims. An assessment by a trained professional can provide the definitive evidence needed to validate claims and relieve concerns about fraud. This professional handling can mitigate additional threats to the well-being of the individual.

Why Choose Vantis?

When you choose Vantis, you can experience peace of mind knowing that we provide a complete mental and behavioral program. We are a physician-run company committed to taking a holistic approach to care.

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